Welcome to Ms. Sage's Class

    Ms. Sage

    Welcome to Biology and the Environment! 

    I am very excited to have your student in my Biology class this year and am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and development. 

    First and foremost, I want to wish you and your family good health and safety during this time.  Although I really miss the classroom, I am excited to still have an opportunity for learning to occur virtually.  

    Due to the current school closure, all classroom resources can now be found through Canvas. From there, you will be directed to the current learning opportunity.  Students can access Canvas at the quick links on the right of this page, or through student tools. Parents can also access their student's Canvas.  The directions for doing that are here. If you have any questions, I will be checking my email frequently (asage2@everettsd.org).  Also, make sure you have signed up for Remind so you get the information I am communicating out. Directions for Remind can be found on the Canvas page.  

    Stay safe, wash your hands, DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE, and I can't wait to see you again soon :) 
    Feel free to contact me by email or phone
    Contact Information:
    Phone: 425-385-6000
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