- Woodside Elementary School
- Welcome
Thank you for all your patience and understanding during this difficult time. We want to make sure that students have the resources they need to stay engaged during their time at home. On this webpage you will find links District Student Tools as well as a link to the District Student Engagement Tools.
This website will provide you with some links to resources, support, and information. As we work to develop and locate more resources for engaging in learning during the school closure we will post them here or provide more information as to where to access them. Feel free to do as much as you and your family would like with these resources. They are meant to be a support and to keep our students engaged in learning, not to be an extra burden.
If your student's IEP and/or re-evaluations are due during this closure we will be connecting with you personally about next steps.
The best way to reach us is through email, cdunne@everettsd.org or veastman@everettsd.org, as we are working from home.
We will be communicating with families throughout this time, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Please know that we are thinking about all of our students and their families. Stay safe, happy and healthy!!
Chandra Dunne and Virginia Eastman