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    Hello Amazing Vikings! 

    I hope you’re doing well during this unprecedented time. We understand your primary focus is taking care of your family’s needs but know that our staff has been working diligently to provide ongoing learning opportunities for your child/children. The letter you received on 3/18/20 from Becky Clifford, our Special Services Director, gave you initial insight on how special educators are working together to support student engagement at home. For now, please visit the Everett Public Schools student engagement materials website, click on “Special Programs” and scroll down to see a list of approved speech-language websites our students can use. Please choose one activity to do weekly to maintain your child’s communication skills. I will provide additional resources and links by 3/30/20. 

    If your child is scheduled to have an annual IEP meeting during this school closure, I will contact you directly so we can determine the best way to meet and review documents (e.g.: Zoom, conference call, etc..).

    Thank you for your patience and flexibility as I work with our Special Services department to maneuver the ongoing changes directed by our Governor and OSPI. I want to support you and your child as much as possible. If you have any questions, it's best to email me at lrathman@everettsd.org but you can also leave a message at (425) 385-5431.

    Be well and stay healthy, 

    Laura Rathman