• Forward Motion!

    Posted by Michelle Murphy on 3/24/2020

    Good Morning 2/3's!
    I'm sorry that we're all in this situation of not being able to see each other. I wish I had more answers about how long this will be, but I don't have a crystal ball, as they say! Let's try to make the most of it by being kind and helpful to our parents and sibs. I hope you won't do too much screen time, and will think, instead, about playing a board game or an outdoor activity with your family, or make an artsy card to put on the doorstep of an isolated neighbor who can use a positive boost. Do you all remember how to address an envelope? You can send an inspirational message to someone through the mail...
    Thank you for looking at our schedule for this week. I hope having some assignments will keep your big, beautiful brains engaged (what figure of speech is that?), and prevent you from worrying too much about the future. Please post questions and comments as you need to, so that we can all help each other get through this.
    Big (air) hugs and elbow bumps to you all!

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  • Week 3/23-27

    Posted by Michelle Murphy on 3/23/2020

    Good Morning HC Family,

    I hope you’re all safe and well. My family and I are listening carefully to the medical experts’ guidelines. Due to the seriousness of their forecasts, I’m taking an approach that we’re going to be out for the long haul to help “flatten the curve.”

    I hope you’ll treat this time proactively for the opportunities you might not have otherwise had, but for this horrible situation. (I must admit that my house has never been cleaner!) 

    With that in mind, I believe it’s important to maintain a routine for engaging students each day. Therefore, I’ve developed a skeleton Web calendar to take us through June. This is meant as a tool for you, knowing that you have other responsibilities and concerns for your households. My thinking is to give you a go-to daily menu to keep students engaged from 9-3:30, as you need it, not to add extra burden to your already stressful personal situations. For example, if you have an important conference call at 10:00, you may ask your child to check the web schedule at that time to see what they should be doing.

    Additionally, today I’m posting our weekly activities on Google Classroom, which offers more details about the daily assignments. I’m inserting a Quicklink on my website, well as links to the Specialist’s activities, for easy access to Google Classroom each week. I hope to have this completed by lunchtime. Please ask them to check there every Monday for the daily-weekly instructions.

    I’d also appreciate a note from your student on Google Drive by the end of the day, acknowledging they understand their responsibility to check Google classroom for our weekly assignments.

    They already have our class assignment packets, which I sent home in their core subject folders on our last day of school. These will provide our launching pad for enrichment while they’re at home. As I mentioned before, I’ll also roll out various online tools for whole class discussions and connections, as we go.

    Please reassure your child that we’re isolating for prevention, so that we may get back to “normal” soon, and WE will. I look forward to that day very much!  

    Stay well,

    Mrs. Murphy



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  • Murphy's Message

    Posted by Michelle Murphy on 3/19/2020


    Hi Folks-

    This week I've been busy constructing and activating my school web-site as one means of outreach while we're on this extended break. I'm currently putting together a boiler-plate schedule to help build some routines while students are at home. I'll have it completed by Monday 3/23/20. As we try to regain some academic momentum, I'll also begin assessing the most efficient way to communicate updates as I begin implementing other online tools for this transition to our new reality.  I'll begin to embed richer and more challenging at-home activities as I'm able to make the shift to this new style of HC teaching outside of our classroom environment.

    I hope this finds you and your extended families well and healthy. So far so good on my end, (except for the part about really missing my class of wonderfule students)! Hope to see you face-to-face soon in some fashion. Stay tuned!!!!


    Mrs. Murphy

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