Courses and instruction employ the following to ensure an effective academic experience:
[DLD B 1: Clearly stated academic integrity and netiquette (Internet etiquette) expectations regarding lesson activities, discussions, e-mail communications and plagiarism.]
EVIDENCE– Program item:
OnlineHS students all agree to an Academic Honesty & Plagiarism policy (link above) as a contingency of enrollment. Netiquette and OnlineHS’s “Student Operating Princiles” are explained in the Student Expectations video and information contained in the Required Introduction unit that students complete in every online class, before accessing course content.
[DLD B 2: Explicitly stated grading policy and practices.]
EVIDENCE– Course item:
Grading in the OnlineHS program mirrors the same procedures as those in the comprehensive high school programs. Everett Public Schools School Board Policies (below) mandate and direct our program’s policies.
School Board Policies
The OnlineHS program is mandated to follow School Board Policy related to Grading & Progress Reports:
- Grading and Progress Reports- School Board Policy (2412)
- Grading and Progress Reports- Student Procedure (2412P)
OnlineHS Program Grading Policies
- All assignments are connected to a due date to facilitate the students even and consistent progression through the course. Due dates are listed for each graded assignment, in the student’s Grade Book.
- Students to make-up and complete late work for full-credit.
- Students should always exhibit their best effort and submit their best work. Work that is substantially below standard may be requested to redo and resubmit.
- Assignments are worth points that are converted to percentage scores. Through the work of the Everett Public Schools with Dr. Ken O’Connor & Dr. Robert Marzano , work that has been submitted and is failing is converted to a 50% Assignments/work that is not attempted will receive a zero.
Grading Scale
Percentage = Letter
90 – 100 = A
87 – 89 = B+
83 – 86 = B
80 – 82 = B-
77 – 79 = C+
73 – 76 = C
70 – 72 = C-
67 – 69 = D+
63 – 66 = D
below 60 = F
[DLD B 3: A policy statement posted on the course provider’s website and/or in the learning management system disclosing the organization’s information gathering and dissemination practices.]
EVIDENCE– District item:
All information gathering by OnlineHS is in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Everett Public Schools, as all students are Everett Public School district students. Additional information can be found in the privacy statement from the Privacy Policy hypertext link at the bottom of each page on the OnlineHS web site.
[DLD B 4: A protocol for the school and the instructor to deal with inappropriate student behavior and issues of discipline.]
EVIDENCE– District item:
Applicable Sections from Student Rights and Responsibilities Manual:
- Student Conduct: pgs. 21 – 25
- Policies for Handling Violations of School Rules: pgs. 26 – 35
- Teacher Responsibilities and Rights: pg. 37
- Principal Responsibilities and Rights: pg. 39
OnlineHS is a program of the Everett Public Schools and all students are Everett Public School students, who are also attending district schools.
These guidelines are intended to provide a measure of consistency among all schools, while permitting flexibility to impose alternatives as circumstances warrant.
[DLD B 5: Clearly stated technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).]
EVIDENCE– District items:
All students in the Everett School District are required to sign an Everett Public Schools Technology Acceptable Use form . It is contained in the standard enrollment packet all Everett Public Schools students receive at the beginning of each year. Student/families who refuse to sign the district’s Technology AUP cannot take OnlineHS courses.