
    Jackson Elementary

    Jackson Elementary PTA 7.3.20 Website


    The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to benefit your child.  In doing so, you also help your school.

    What does the PTA do?

    Our PTA aims to enrich the school life of students at Jackson Elementary in a multitude of ways, including social events, fundraising, providing classroom grants and facilitating extracurricular activities. 

    The following are some of the activities/programs that are supported by the PTA:

    • Back to School Family BBQ
    • Art Docent program
    • Family movie nights
    • Annual Holiday Shop
    • Spirit Days & Popcorn Fridays
    • Field trips
    • School-wide assemblies

    How do I become a PTA member?  For more information on becoming a member and to access our membership store, click here.

    When and where are the general PTA meetings held?  Our meetings are held in person on the third Thursday of most months from 5:30 - 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Please join us! 

    Click for PTA Standing Rules.

    What’s happening at Jackson Elementary?  Click here for the calendar of events or check out our Facebook page or Instagram feed for more current and detailed updates on our events.   

    How do I contact the PTA?  Please feel free to email us at jacksonptaemail@gmail.com with any questions or comments.