
  • logo Welcome to another fantastic year! 
    I am very excited to have your student in my class this year and am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and development.

    Kaitlin Webster



    Quick Reference: 2017-2018 Concert Dates

    (these will be in calendar shortly, but I am putting them here for a quick reference)

    Nov 7, 2017- All choir concert at the Civic- 7-8 PM
    Tentative March 2nd, 2018 - Jazz Choir - DeMiero Jazz Festival at Edmonds Community College 8:00am-4:00pm
    March 15th, 2018 - Advanced Choir - Jr. Large Group Choral Festival 
    March 21st, 2018 - Advanced Choir - Choir Corridor concert with EHS and EVG- Civic 7:00-8:30pm
    Interested Participants only  May 19th, 2018 - Jr. Solo & Ensemble Park Place Middle School 
    June 11, 2018- All choir concert at the civic (7-8)