- Forest View Elementary School
- Homepage
Free Preschool Enrollment for 3-and 4-Year-Olds!
Space is available in our Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP)! This incredible program is for 3- and 4-year-old children from families with limited income. This program is available to all eligible Everett Public Schools families. Click headline to learn more.
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Monday, November 18th - Picture Retake Day
Please have your student bring his/her original picture packet to school on Monday, November 18, for picture retakes.
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Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Please click on the headline to learn specifics about the drop off and pick up procedures at Forest View!
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Natural Leaders Program
Natural Leaders are multi-cultural parents and family members that serve as a bridge between families, community, and school. If you'd like to learn more, click on the title.
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Are you signed up for Home Access Center?
Home Access Center (HAC) provides access to student schedules, teacher names and emails, attendance, transportation and more. Parents can update their email and phone number here too!
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