- Forest View Elementary School
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Attendance Reporting
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Attendance Reporting
Attendance Email: FVEAttendance@everettsd.orgAttendance Phone Line: (425) 385-7905Attendance Information
If your student is absent from school, please email the attendance office at fveattendance@everettsd.org or call the attendance line at (425) 385-7905 to let us know the following:
- Student first and last name:
- Student ID:
- Date(s) absent:
- Reason for the absence:
- Parent/Guardian name:
- Parent/Guardian phone number (for verification):
Make sure you are sending this from the email that is on record with the school.
If you leave a voicemail, please provide a written note or email within 30 days of your student’s first day back to school.
Please view the Attendance Reporting tab for additional important information.
Did you have a medical appointment for your child, or was your child sick and you brought them to the doctor? If so, make sure to ask for a medical note that you can turn in to the attendance office. Those absences can then be coded as a medical excuse.
If you leave a voicemail, please provide a written note or email within 30 days of your student’s first day back to school.We look forward to seeing your child at school each and every day. Regular school attendance is important, and we will work with you to ensure your child is present and benefiting from a world-class education. Please report your child’s absence by calling or emailing the school.Families should not schedule vacations or travel while school is in session. If a family vacation or travel must occur while school is in session, it must be prearranged prior to the first date of the absence and approved by the principal (or designee).If you need assistance or if you would like recommendations on how to help ensure your child’s regular school attendance, please contact your child’s teacher, or our assistant principal.