Welcome to Ms. McWilliams' Class

  •  Ms. McWilliams Hello! Welcome to Ms. McWiiliams' website!

    Check my Canvas page for all virtual classroom announcements, assignments and student/parent resources.

    Each student was given a Chromebook, Reach for Reading book, a Poppy book, math tools, white board and marker, pencils, notebooks, erasers and a pencil pouch. Students were given a math paper work packet. 

    If you did not get these materials, or had the opportunity to pick up a backpack, you can pick these up at school. If you have further questions, please contact me at jmcwilliams@everettsd.org.

    Students know how to do iReady.  The goal  in reading is to do 45 minutes a week passing two lessons at 80% or higher.

    Provide paper and pencil when doing iReady math for solving the problems.

    Students can access Accelerated Reader at home. This allows students to read paperbooks or online books and take tests.

    Contact me with any questions you may have. Please allow at least 24 hours for me to get back to you.

                                               Judy McWilliams
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