- Hawthorne Elementary School
- Welcome
Family Support Specialist
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Hello! My name is Rachel Allen and I am here to help all students be successful at school and to help all families access the resources they need to be safe and healthy. I work closely with the rest of the Hawthorne team to help each and every Hawthorne Hawk soar to success.
Some of the things I help with include:
- Signing up students for Operation School Bell (a free program that provides new clothing, once a year, to students who qualify)
- Providing students with coats and shoes (when they are available)
- Providing students with backpacks and school supplies- Helping families who need food support through Bethany's Weekend Meal Program
- Connecting families with community organizations to get help with housing, utilities, food, clothing, employment, childcare, education, and more
I also serve as Hawthorne's Kids-In-Transition (KIT) Point Person, working to address and eliminate barriers for students affected by homelessness.
Please click on the Quicklinks and other pages listed above to access family resource information. You can also fill out the Online Family Support Survey, https://forms.gle/FDPNAH1xpVoH1AvU7 and I will respond with the resource information requested. If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by email rallen@everettsd.org or by phone (425) 385-4646.
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