
  • Mrs. Burger Welcome 2nd grade students and families! 

    I am looking forward to getting to know each and every new second grade student this fall! The past year has brought many changes to our world and the way that students are learning and attending school. I want to assure you that I am here to support you and your student every step of the way to ensure they have the tools and resources that they need to be successful!

    Contact info:

    My main source of communication with families will be through the Canvas app, but I also check email frequently, so feel free to email me at mburger@everettsd.org. If you would feel more comfortable talking on the phone, I have a Google Voice phone number that I can use to talk and text with students and families, so please reach out to me by email and I will send you this number if you would like.



    Other district resources - please click on each link for up to date information:



    • Website Translation: If you would like to view the school district website in another language, please look at the top of any district page for the translate this page button, then click the drop down arrow and select a language:

    District web page with the translate this page button circled