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    Moser's Mustangs families!

    Thank you for your partnership in your student's education. I look forward to working with you this year to help your child be successful in 5th grade. My primary form of communication with families is through email. I email a weekly newsletter usually on Sundays but no later than Monday evenings. Some items in the newsletter include what we are learning in each subject, reminders of upcoming events, and ways to support your student. Please contact me if you need to update your email address, so I can be sure to add you to the mailing list. 

    Be sure to email me at amoser@everettsd.org if you have any questions!

    All the best,

    Ashley Moser

    Additional Resources

    Family Tech support:  If you need support with your technology access and/or device, please click here. 

    Language Services:  District websites can be translated in multiple languages. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the EPS homepage to select "translate this page," and a Google translate window will open. You can then select the language needed.