Learning Assistance Program (LAP)


Learning Assistance Program Services



Students at our school benefit from support through the Learning Assistance Program (LAP).  The LAP program is designed to provide supplemental support to students who are identified as in need of additional assistance to meet Common Core state reading and math standards.


Your child may receive support through LAP throughout theyear.  We are continually monitoring ourstudents’ progress.  If we identify that your child needs additional assistance with a skill or a concept, our reading specialists and highly skilled paraeducators may work with your child in his or her classroom following the teacher’s instruction.  Or your child might be pulled out of the classroom into a small group for a few minutes of review.  LAP support is always a second dose of instruction in addition to what occurs in your child’s classroom.  The students receiving support vary from day to day depending upon what skill is being taught.


Please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher if you have concerns about your child’s learning or questions about instruction.