ATTENDANCE Attendance is a critical component to your child’s success at Whittier Elementary School. We expect all students to attend every day on time however, please understand that when your child is absent, we cannot duplicate what has been accomplished in the classroom during the school day. School hours at Whittier are 8:35 a.m.-2:50 p.m. The first bell rings at 8:30 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 8:35, at which time your child should be in his/her classroom. If your child is going to be absent from school, call 425-385-4305 to report the day and reason for his/her absence. Student absences must be excused either by written note or phone call. Once your child returns to school following an absence, he/she is expected to participate fully in school activities, including outside recess.
The state of Washington has a Compulsory Attendance Law, Chapter 28A.225RCW which requires parents to have their children, ages 8 through 18 in attendance. The law requires us:
- to inform you in writing or by telephone whenever a child has one unexcused absence during any month.
- to schedule a conference with you after three unexcused absences within any month.
- to take steps to reduce or eliminate the absences.
If an extended absence is being considered, please contact your child’s teacher and the office for permission.
Letters informing parents/guardians of excessive absences and/or tardies will be sent home as required by Washington State Law. Students missing four or more hours in a day will be marked as absent for the entire day.
Tardy (Late arrival) Students who arrive after the second morning bell (8:35) will be marked tardy and must come to the school office to receive a tardy slip to enter the classroom. Parents are requested to notify the office in the event their child will be late. Students who are chronically late miss many learning opportunities and disrupt the classroom. Students who arrive between 10 minutes and one hour after the beginning of school will be marked as having partial attendance. The same is true for students leaving early for 10 minutes early or more.