• A Suggested Daily Schedule for Learning at Home

    Posted by Joya Crawford on 3/21/2020

    Hello Families!

    I know many of you are wondering how much time to spend on each subject area while we are in this learning at home phase.  I know I am feeling like I should be doing more with my own kids.  This is HARD!  Don't feel like you are alone in this.  Please reach out to other parents and myself if you find yourself needing tips, ideas, and/or support.  We need to be here for each other.  With that in mind, the first grade team has developed a guideline of how much time you could be spending on each subject area.  Some kids will be able to handle more, others less.  Hopefully this guideline will help.  Don't forget to check my website and your email every Sunday for a weekly learning guide as well.  We can do this!  You've got this!

    Parent instruction support


    Joya Crawford

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  • Getting Started with Home Learning

    Posted by Joya Crawford on 3/16/2020

    Greetings Families!

         As we all embark on our new adventure of home learning I want to offer as much support as I can.  One of the most

     important things you can do is set a daily schedule.  I'm sure you've all seen this floating around the internet, but if you

     haven't, I'll share it here:


       I plan on sitting down with my kids and sharing this schedule with them.  We will adapt this schedule to offer them some

     choice and voice in how they want to learn.  Also consider taking a day to go on an adventure.  We are fortunate to live in a place

    where we have access to beaches and mountains.  These are great spaces for getting out of the house but still practicing social

    distancing. Your first grade team is currently hard at work coming up with tools and a schedule for how we can best support you. 

    Look for a lot of information in the coming week.  We are here for you and your children!



    Joya Crawford

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