• 9:15 Unpack & Morning Work
    9:35-9:50 Calendar & Morning Meeting
    9:50-10:30 Writing/Snack
    10:30-10:40 Brain Break
    10:40-11:30 Math
    11:40-12:20 Lunch & Recess
    12:25-12:50 Shared Reading
    12:55–1:55 Reading Rotations
    2:00-2:10 Recess
    2:15–2:35 Pack Up/Center Choice Time
    2:40–3:25 Specials: Library, PE, Mindfulness, STEAM, Music
    3:30 Dismissal

    Morning Work: Usually consists of one worksheet page that involves our weekly sight words, and as students finish, they quietly reading from their book bins.

    Writing/Snack: Monday students sketch a 4 part beginning, middle, middle, ending picture plan for their story with labels and speech bubbles. Tuesday sketches are being finished and details added, students, are beginning to write their sentences, usually two. Wednesday students are finishing their next sentences for their story. Thursday stories are being complete, students are checking their own writing for correct punctuation marks, letter formation, and spelling of sight words. Our weekly email will give options for what writing type you can practice each week. Narrative, opinion, or informative.

    Math: We start at the carpet with a quick 10-minute lesson or review. Then move into 3 15-minute rotations. I-Ready math, teacher table (use a sheet from your take homework packet), and hands-on (counting collections, 120 puzzle).
    Shared Reading: Students listen to a read aloud at the carpet. We discuss the author's purpose, is the book fiction or non-fiction, practice a retell.

  • Silver Lake Lunch Information
    • Lunch Pick-up: Here are the times and locations students will be picking up lunches for the next 6 weeks.

    Lunch Pick-up (Mon- Friday)
    Sites and Times:
    1. Lakehouse Apartments 11:15-11:45
    2. Silver Lake ES 12:00-12:15
    3. Gateway Apartments 12:30-1:00

    Below is the link to pre-order lunches



  • Everett Public Schools computer device pick up for students If your student needs a device during school closure, you can pick it up tomorrow. Everett, WA – As a way to reduce exposure to COVD-19 Coronavirus, Everett Public Schools is providing resources for students and families during the March 16 – April 24 school closure mandated by the state. In addition to free meals for students, there are also student engagement materials that include resources aligned to each grade level, standards-based content areas and support for special programs. Students and their families can select materials to explore and learn from while students are at home. A planning template is also available for preschool through elementary. In order to better engage in learning while at home, it is vital for students to have a computer and internet access. All high school students and most middle school students already have a 1:1 device, thanks to the 2016 Technology Levy. If any student does not have access to a computer at home, Wednesday, March 18 they can pick up a device from Everett Public Schools to use at home while the school closure is in effect. You can pick up a device at two locations: March 18, 2020 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Community Resource Center 3900 Broadway, Everett WA  Jackson High School 1508 136th St. SE, Mill Creek WA Parents/guardians will need to provide their student(s) ID number and sign a Usage Agreement Form. Internet Hotspots will also be available to check out for those who do not have internet access at home. As a reminder, we are posting updates on our website every day, including locations for student meals and other resources, at www.everettsd.org/.

  • March 23—March 27








    Read a book with your grown-up.  Tell them your favorite part and draw a picture of it.  Complete a page in your comprehension or writing journal

    i-ready Lesson

    Check out your Epic Account online.  Read or listen to a book, then draw a picture of the characters and the setting

    i-ready Lesson

    Read a book to someone in your family.  Tell what the problem and solution are in the story.

    i-ready Lesson

    Read a book to a stuffed animal.  Pretend you are a teacher and explain  the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

    i-ready Lesson

    Take a picture walk before reading and predict what you think might happen based on the pictures.

    i-ready Lesson


    Create your B-M-M-E picture sketch with labels and speech bubbles

    Using your sketch, write the beginning of your story.  Make sure your beginning tells who is in your story and where it takes place

    Using your sketch continue your story writing your 2 part middle.

    Using your sketch finish your story writing your ending.

    Check over your story.  Make sure each sentence starts with a capital and has ending marks.  Check for dialog and lots of adjectives!


    Work on telling time to the half hour.  You have lots of practice pages.

    i-ready Lesson

    Have your grown-up time you for 1 minute.  Draw as many x’s as you can.  After 1 minute circle groups of 10.

    i-ready Lesson

    Count a collection of objects over 100.  Group it by 10s.  How many do you have?  What is 10 more/10 less than your collection?     i-ready Lesson

    Play the game Shut the Box from the YouCubed website


    i-ready Lesson

    Draw a picture and solve: I have 15 markers.  How many blue and red could I have?  Make a list of all of the combinations.

    i-ready Lesson


    Go for a rock hunt in your yard or around where you live.  Can you find 3 interesting rocks?

    Make a pet rock from one of the rocks you found.  What is your pet’s name?  Can you make it a home?

    Check out NASA Kids’ Club site.  There are so many cool things on it!

    Check out directions for making a comet on a stick from NASA Kids’ Club

    Check out animal cams at the Houston Zoo. 

    Sight Words

    Write the sight words using one color for the consonants and another for the vowels

    Rainbow write your sight words– Write each word with 6 different colors

    Use white crayon to write each of your sight words.  Go over each word with a marker to reveal!

    Practice sight words by using cereal or small marshmallows to spell each letter.

    Write each sight word on two index cards (or small pieces of paper).  Turn them over and play a memory matching games with them.


    Check out Specialists Google classrooms: krfj22q

    PE: 4fqvmei

    Steam: yxnkybt

    Music: c57yngo


    Sight  Words






    Other Ideas:


    Learn to tie your shoes.

    Help your grown-up with a chore.

    Draw a picture or write a letter to a family member.

    Surprise your family by doing something kind.

    Play a board game or create a puzzle.