Phone: 425-385-5640


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts Special Education, K-8 General Education, and Preschool-12 Special Education, Western Governors University

Ms. Sarah Reames

Welcome to Developmental Kindergarten!

     My name is Ms. Reames, and I will be your teacher this year. I am so excited to meet you! I live in Snohomish with my husband, our three children, and two bunnies named Doppler and Gingerbread.

     I am so very fortunate to have the opportunity to support students with special needs and their families. I recently completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education from Western Governors University with dual endorsements in K-8th Grade General Education and Preschool-12th Grade Special Education. Prior to teaching, I provided instructional support to students in grades preschool through 12th in Spokane, Edmonds, and Everett school districts. In addition, I held positions as an active chair and board member with a cooperative preschool for five years, and as a 1:1 student assistant at a residential school and home for children with severe epilepsy and autism in England.

     I love tea parties, mud puddles, art, nature walks, live music, children's books and teaching to the whole child.

     Parents, my goal is to inspire a love for learning in all students. With the help of three, incredible paraeducators, Ms. Sarah, Ms. Laura, and Mr. Kirk, we will be teaching a rich, engaging curriculum that focuses on academics with additional supports for social/emotional skills, daily living skills, and communication.

     I am looking forward to working together in a year full of learning, growth, and development. Please feel free to email me at any time.



Sarah Reames, Developmental Kindergarten Teacher