• Dear DK Families,


    I am so grateful for your patience and calm presence with your students and our staff this past, few weeks.  It really makes a difference in the mind of a child to help them feel safe during such uncertain times. The staff did an incredible job on the last day of school of letting each and every student at the school know that they are loved and supported. 


    As we have all seen, Everett Public Schools has continued to formulate the details of their educational support response in compliance with the changing requests from the offices of Governor Inslee’s and Mayor Franklin. 


    The current plan is for schools to be closed from Monday, March 16th until at least April 24th, and are not scheduled to reopen on April 27th.


    All presently-scheduled meetings between families and staff, with the exception of IEPs and re-evaluations, which are set to expire during the closure, have been postponed until students return to school. All meetings that will move forward during this time will take place over Zoom (similar to skype).


    Zoom: https://www.everettsd.org/Page/26703


    Based on the current request by Mayor Franklin to shelter in place, re-evaluations are only being completed if the student does not need to be evaluated in-person. Please reach out to me or Diane Schultz, School Psychologist, if you have additional questions.


    Diane can be reached at:



    That being said, we are discussing ways to remain in contact with our families. I will gladly make myself available for unofficial conferences and/or check-ins over Zoom and by telephone. In addition, exciting changes are being added to this website, as well as Seesaw! Keep checking back for updates.


    At this point, the district plan is for teachers to provide educational enrichment to help students retain the learning they have already acquired. OSPI has been extremely clear that we are not presently allowed to switch to a full, virtual classroom and expect students to complete graded assignments on new content areas. If that policy changes, I will let you know right away.  


    It has been recommended that these enrichments primarily take the form of web-based programs, such as iReady, as well as worksheets and books, as available. With the most recent shelter in place order, resources are being provided online only.


    If your student did not attend school on the last Friday of school, packets were mailed out to you. To reiterate, all work is to be non-graded at this point. HOWEVER, I am available to help enhance your students' learning. If you are feeling stuck as to how to support your student at home, please reach out to me via email. I am here to help. Furthermore, I plan to check in with each family regularly to see how everyone is doing. I am looking forward to your updates. 

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