- Silver Firs Elementary School
- A possible Schedule....
Rajaguru, Gayani
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*Breakfast - child awake and eating breakfast
*Cleaning up - cleaning up after breakfast, brushing teeth etc.
*Getting dressed and ready for the day- Really important part of self help and setting a routine for your child
*Free play time - while you check teacher email and pick what activities to do for the day pick 3-4 simple tasks.
*Circle Time - We would look at the day, the month, the weather and talk about the seasons, what we wore. Teacher website songs for circle time or do your own song. I normally sing the days of the week song, counting with students up to the number of the day of the month, pick song they like and sing. You can keep it short and simple- days of the week sonf, count and 2-3 songs.
* Do a student engagement activity- literacy, Number skills ( take your time and help and guide your child)
* Snack- preparing a snack with your child can a be great self help skill
*Read Aloud time - Read to your child a book you choose or they want - don't forget to flip pages and look at the pictures etc. What
a great way to keep them listening to a story while eating.
*Activity - This could be a craft activity, household chores like laundry and folding laundry etc ( you pick what you want for the day - a self help or art type, science project. It can differ from day to day )
*Play ... with your child 10 minutes or 20 minutes with toys, play dough etc., going for a walk outside riding the trike etc.
*Lunch...(make lunch together or have your child listen to a story online while you make lunch)
*Quiet Time after lunch (rest time in their rooms - mum would rest too!)