
  • Hello Families,
    First I want to say, please feel free to reach out to me at anytime to help with your students' needs. 
    Our class goal is for your students to engage in learning in a meaningful, supported manner. I will provide engaging tasks and learning opportunities for your students each week, both in our classroom and at home if requested . 

    If you have any questions, please reach out. Email is the best way for parents to contact me. 

    Each day, students have the opportunity to earn classroom dollars to spend at our monthly student store. Encouragement from home to earn class dollars helps us all to stay motivated.  


    Hope you are all doing well and being safe. Please take care of yourselves and your families!



    Additional Resources 


    Family Tech support: If you need support with your technology access and/or device, please click here.


    Chromebooks: If you do not have access to a device, are have not already picked one up, additional Chromebooks will continue to be distributed. More information can be found here


    Meals: Please click here for an Emergency Meal Schedule update.   


    Language Services: District websites can be translated in multiple languages. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the EPS homepage to select "translate this page," and a Google translate window will open. You can then select the language needed.