- Silver Firs Elementary School
- Reading Resources
Newman, Angela
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Ways to Support Reading at Home
1. Set aside a regular time to read to your child every day
Studies show that regularly reading out loud to children will produce significant gains in reading comprehension, vocabulary knowledge and the decoding of words.
2. Surround your children with reading material
Children with a large array of reading materials in their homes score higher on standardized test. Temp your kids to read by having a large supply of appealing books and magazines at their reading level. Put the reading materials in cars, bathrooms, bedrooms, family room and even by the TV.
3. Have a family reading time
Establish a daily 15-30 minute time when everyone in the family reads together silently. Seeing you read will inspire your children to read. Just 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to increase their reading fluency.
4. Encourage a wide variety of reading activities
Make reading an integral part of your children's lives. Have them read menus, roadside signs, game directions, weather reports, movie time listings and other practical everyday information. Also, make sure they always have something to read in their spare time when they could be waiting for appointments or riding in a car.
5. Develop the library habit
Entice your children to read more by taking them to the library every few weeks to get new reading materials. The library also offers reading programs for children of all ages that may appeal to your children and further increase their interest in reading.
6. Use a variety of aids to help your children
To help your children improve their reading, use textbooks, computer programs, books-on tape and other materials. Games are especially good choices because they let children have fun as they work on their skills.
7. Be knowledgeable about your children's progress
Find out what reading skills they are expected to have at each grade level. Track their progress in acquiring basic reading skills on report cards and standardized tests.
8. Show enthusiasm for your children's reading
Your reaction has a great influence on how hard they will try to become good readers. Be sure to give them genuine praise for their efforts.