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    I'm so excited to have you in my class this year and I am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and development.  

    I'll be your instructor for Sports Medicine 1/2/3, Anatomy and Physiology.

    In Sports Medicine, we'll be exploring careers within the Allied Health Team and how they coordinate to help patients with the care and prevention of injuries.  

    For Anatomy and Physiology, this is a College in the classroom class where students will receive 5 credit hours from EvCC with a grade of "C" or better.  We study the different body systems, looking at their design and function and how they work together.

    We'll mostly use Canvas as our instructional platform with ParentSquare as an announcement and messaging resource.  Feel free to email me anytime, my email is dshook@everettsd.org

    Douglas Shook