Hello and welcome to Spanish 1 and 2! I am looking forward to working with you this year as we explore the basics of the Spanish language and culture. This year our main way of communicating will be through Canvas and district email. The best way to get in touch with me is through email.
A little about me: I love teaching at Cascade! I have been at Cascade since 2011 and prior to being at Cascade I was a stay at home mom and teacher at Heatherwood Middle School. I studied Spanish in high school, college and abroad. I love to travel and see different cultures and customs! One of my biggest adventures was backpacking through Europe, in 9 countries, over 9 weeks. It was an amazing adventure in observing other cultures, foods, and people! I also learned how to pack light!
I believe it is important to balance school and family. Students also need to have that balance. Everyone is very busy with school, sports, activities, and family. Students and teachers need to work hard to keep this balance. As I teach, I want my students to learn Spanish, appreciate the culture, and also balance school and other activities to help create a well rounded student.