
Welcome to Mrs. Jacob's Class


    Ready, Set, Here We Go

    Mrs. Jacobs graduated from Marysville-Pilchuck High School and attended Central Washington University.  She lives with her husband, Tom, an aviation mechanic, and her puppy, Rufus, who is the love of her life.  She enjoys running, camping, playing on her computer and watching TV.
    This is my 19th year as a teacher and my 16th year at Cascade High School. I teach Career and Technical Education, I am the DECA Advisor, the CTE Department Head and Head Cross Country Coach.
    Current Teaching Schedule:
    Business and Finance
    Foundations of Business and Marketing
    Social Media Marketing
    Business Operations
    Career and College Readiness
    Marketing Education Professional Teaching
    Business Education Professional Teaching 
    Marketing Education CTE
    Business Education CTE
    Work-site Learning Coordinator CTE
    Family and Consumer Sciences CTE
    Education Administration CTE
    Business Administration BS, Central Washington University
    Business Education BS, Central Washington University
    Education MA, Antioch Univeristy
    If you have any questions please email me.