- Cascade High School
- Business Operations
Course Overview: This course provides students an opportunity to run a successful school-based enterprise and develop the skills and attitudes required for any career field. Students learn and practice customer service, advertising, sales, pricing, market research, and merchandising techniques. All students work in a variety of positions and receive on-the-job training. Students in this class are members of DECA, providing the opportunity to travel, practice leadership, and compete with students from around the world.
Course Code: 271CTE
Grade Levels: 10-12 or instructor approval
Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective credit
Length: Two semesters (yearlong)
Prerequisites: Foundations of Business & Marketing OR Social Media Marketing OR Business and Finance
Other: Course may be repeated for credit
Fee: Current DECA regional, state, and national fee
CANVAS PAGE: Business Operations Canvas Page