- Cascade High School
- Course Expectations
Ms. Nyberg, Instructor
CHS English 3 HONORS, 2019-2020
Course Overview and Classroom Policies
This English 3 Honors course provides accelerated and rigorous instruction, guided practice, development and assessment of literacy skills aligned with Common Core State Standards. These skills include close reading of both fiction and non-fictional texts based on the College Board’s Springboard English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum. English 3 Honors students will have the opportunity to read American short stories, poetry, novels, dramas, and essays. The literary theme that aligns our studies with the literature we will explore this year is The American Dream. We will read texts by some of the best-known American writers of the American literary canon. Students will respond to the works they read by writing essays of memoir, argumentation, and persuasion. Students will also develop analytical skills to understand and identify an author’s purpose, themes, motifs, and other literary devices often woven throughout the fictional works we read. Honors students are expected to complete all of their assigned reading outside of class. This Honors course follows much of the English 3 Core class content, but moves at a much faster pace, involves intensive and focused discussion and group work, and will adequately prepare you to take AP English or College in the High School English during your senior year.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (First Quarter)
Independent Reading: American Lit Novel (First Semester)—novel to be selected from Top 100 AP List
The Crucible by Arthur Miller (Second Quarter)
Into the Wild by John Krakauer (Third Quarter)
Walden/Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (Third Quarter)
Independent Reading Project: Harlem Renaissance Unit (Second Semester)—novel selected from HR list
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (Fourth Quarter)
- Springboard ELA 11 Workbook—You will be assigned a book which will stay in classroom
- The current novel/book we are reading—You will check these out from the CHS Library
- A spiral notebook or composition book to use for in-class journal writing, to stay in classroom.
- A binder with paper, pens, pencils, and assignments that you bring to class daily.
- Your CHARGED Bring it to class DAILY.
Regular completion of assigned reading at home, as well as the daily, in-class independent and group assignments will provide rigorous practice for students to meet or exceed standards for this graduation-required course. The work ethic portion of a student’s final grade will be labeled as Formative Work in the grade book. This Formative Work is worth 30% of a student’s overall grade. Students will demonstrate mastery of their reading and writing skills by meeting or exceeding standards via in-class assessments comprised of quizzes, tests, formal individual and group presentations, and the writing of quarterly assigned typed essays.
This Summative Work is worth 70% of a student’s overall grade.
The intention of reading homework and in-class assignments is to provide students an opportunity to practice skills prior to further instruction and assessment. Completing practice on time is important to the development of
skill. Work ethic measures a student’s readiness to learn, an important predictor of academic success. A student with a good work ethic completes skills practice regularly, manages materials and supplies so they are prepared to learn, and plans how to use time wisely by employing an appropriate time management tool, such as a planner.
Please come to class ready to learn each and every day. Prepare for class by keeping up with the current reading assignment so you don’t fall hopelessly behind! Take warning: There will OFTEN be quizzes the next day over the assigned reading. And always remember, there IS no substitute for actually reading the assigned book. My expectation is that you ALL contribute to class discussions, and if you haven’t done the reading, you will not be able to intelligently contribute. This will prevent you from enjoying the growth you can gain via inquiry and critical thinking during our rich, rigorous and highly academic discussions. Seriously. If you read, you will grow.
All formative and summative assessments must be completed unless excused by the teacher. Any student who misses an assessment should contact the instructor as soon as possible to arrange a make-up opportunity. Students who fail to submit a major assignment will be required to serve an after-school academic intervention in order to make up the missing work. These are held every Tuesday and Thursday in this classroom. You will be notified if you are assigned to attend an intervention. If missing or late work is not turned in, in a timely manner, you will receive a zero for the missing work and this will negatively impact your grade.
Assignments and assessments are graded on a five-point scale:
5 = Exceeds Standard The student’s work is above the grade level expectations
4 = At Standard The student’s work meets grade level expectations
3 = Near Standard The student’s work is very close to grade level expectations.
2 = Just Beginning The student’s work shows some characteristics of work toward grade level expectations but does not meet them.
1 = Not a Valid Effort The student’s work does not reflect a valid effort toward grade level
expectations and may also be incomplete.
0 = Not Received The assignment was not received from the student.
All scores will be converted to an overall percentage that aligns with the five-point scale.
This course follows the EPS attendance policy. Please see the student handbook for more information. Tardy? Any student who arrives up to five minutes late to class is considered tardy. At five minutes the student is considered absent. Restroom visits are not allowed during the first and last ten minutes of class: 10/10 rule. Late to class? Students who arrive late for any reason, excused or not, should have a note from another staff member to give to the teacher upon arrival to class. Attendance is important. Regular attendance helps students gain the skills required to be successful in this course. Come to class every day for the best possible result.
A wise student knows when to seek extra help. Students can get extra help from a teacher during the PAWS period that happens at the end of second period. This is an opportunity to get more instruction or feedback on skills practiced in class. It’s also a good time to talk to a teacher about make-up work, absences, or grades. If you need to meet with a teacher during PAWS, ask the teacher for a PAWS pass in class ahead of time.
Extra help is also available in the library during PAWS and after-school. Ask for help as soon as you think you might need it. Your teachers want you to succeed. Help us help you.
Honesty is a value that requires each person to tell the truth and to defend the truth. Honesty supports intellectual growth and creates a fair learning environment. Integrity is a firm adherence to our values with or without the presence of others. In an environment of honesty and integrity, the work we turn in as our own is our own.Teachers and administrators at CHS understand that pressure to get good grades can sometimes create the incentive to cheat. However, we firmly believe that cheating denies the value of education, damages the ethical character of the individual student, and undermines the integrity of our school community. The Academic Integrity Code of Conduct affirms that we value learning for its own sake, and that we therefore demand personal integrity and intellectual honesty in all academic work.
Having academic integrity means valuing and demonstrating positive regard for:
- Intellectual honesty.
- Personal truthfulness.
- Learning for its own sake.
- Understanding that the creations and opinions of others (i.e., intellectual property) must be referenced in your work, and not used in your work without crediting the owners.
Teachers and administrators will use professional judgment to determine whether a violation of the Academic Integrity Code of Conduct has occurred. Whenever a student is found to have violated the Academic Integrity Code of Conduct and/or course-specific rules, these procedures will be followed:. A. First violation or second minor violation
- Warning (for a minor infraction only, such as glancing at another student's paper)
- Score of zero (F) on the test, paper or assignment
- Conference with teacher, parent, principal or assistant principal and student
- Assignment of additional work or re-testing
- Subsequent violation
- May include a Grade of F in the course or loss of credit
- Conference with teacher, parent and student, and principal or assistant principal
- Disciplinary action
- Third violation
- Grade of F in the course
- Conference with teacher, parent and student, and principal or assistant principal
- Suspension or expulsion
Generally, in this classroom, the use of your school-assigned electronic devices during instructional time is forbidden. Please do not use your devices when I am directly instructing, or when the activity we are engaged in has nothing to do with using your devices. I will let you know when it is time to use them. Cell phones must be turned off and put into backpacks for the entire class period. Ear buds, ear phones and head phones must be removed and put away before class starts. This includes during PAWS. Cell phone use is not allowed in class. Period.
- A first offense regarding this rule will result in a personal, and private warning.
- A second offense will result in a personal but public warning.
- A third offense will result in a phone call home to encourage your parents/guardians to remind you of the importance of focusing your attention on the current task in class rather than your electronics.
- A fourth and fifth offense will result first in an assigned after-school detention, and then a discipline referral to the administration. Administrators will contact parents and assign additional consequences.
The “Golden Rule” is a value that I try to live by daily: treat others as you would have them treat you. My expectation is that you will each follow this policy both in and outside of the classroom. Show respect for each and every person by withholding judgment, helping those in need, and by demonstrating kindness through your actions and through your words. Together we can make our classroom a safe and friendly place. Welcome to your English 3 Honors Class! I’m excited to share the journey with each one of you!