


    Grading for Modified Algebraic Concepts is based on successful completion of classroom assignments (30%) and assessments (70%).  Assessments can be retaken to improve student grade.  Students wishing to retake an assessment must schedule a conference to review missed questions prior to retaking the assessment.


    You and your parents can use the LMS system to view a current progress report for you.  I will post updates at least every two weeks, so this is a great way to track your progress.  More frequent printouts are available upon request.


    Student will earn the following letter grade based on the following standards:

    A = 100% - 90% (4), B = 89.9% - 75.1% (3), C = 75% - 62.1% (2), D = 62% - 50% (1), F = 49.9% - 0.  

    * Note - NC is No Credit, student was not required to complete this assignment.
                  I is Incomplete or missing, student should complete and turn in assignment as soon as possible. 

    At the end of first and third quarters, grades will have the option to be marked as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).  Students who do not complete or meet standard on required assignments within the classroom curriculum in the first semester will receive an incomplete and will have within the first month of the second semester to meet standard in order to receive credit.  Those who do not meet standard during this time can utilize after school interventions.



    Late Work Policy:


    If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to make up the work within one week of returning from your absence to receive full credit. 


    If you are having trouble completing an assignment by the due date, talk to me to prearrange an extension.  I am very flexible as long as you show responsibility.


    Please try to have no last minute frenzies to make up missing work before the report card comes out.  It is very important to stay caught up and it is much less stressful!  Much of our focus this year will be learning to become effective self-directed learners and this skill will stay with you through adulthood!

    To be successful in this class (and in life):


    Expectations and Policies


    Your success in this class depends on your willingness to work and the attitude that you bring each day.  With this in mind, here are the classroom expectations for behavior:


    1.      Be on time to class.  This means that you arrive before the bell rings and that you are in your seat.  You may only leave the room if you have a signed pass or have a pass from the office, one student at a time. 

    2.      Be prepared for class.  This means that you arrive with all the tools you need for class, such as a pencil and/or pen, paper, a calculator, ruler, any assignments that are due and calendar for planning.

    3.      Respect yourself and others.  This statement says it all, but we will continue to discuss respectful behavior in class.  This applies to verbal communication between teacher and students or between students as well as respecting everyone’s property during class time.  We are all accountable to this.

    4.      Limited food or drink in class.  This is a school policy and should be respected unless specified.  However, there will be times when we will celebrate a success and I will be the one who decides when this will be.  This privilege must be earned and can be taken away.

    5.       Electronic devices in class with permission only.  This is a revised school policy and includes personal stereos, iPods, cell phones, laptops, games, etc.  These items need to be TURNED OFF or to vibrate and used respectfully.  I will give one warning to put EDs away, if there is noncompliance, there will be a phone call to parents and/or an office referral. There will be some exceptions to this rule, such as listening to music with headphones (not disturbing others) ONLY when working independently and WITH PERMISSION.  I also might ask you to put important dates and info into your cell phone calendar or agenda.

    6.      Remain at desk until excused by teacher (not bell)

    7.     Be on task and working quietly

    8.      This classroom is a fragrance-free environment - many staff and students have sensitivities and this is a safety issue