Welcome to Chinese class

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     Welcome to Chinese Class and begin a fantastic school year!

    I am very excited to have your student in my Chinese class , the first Chinese program in our school!  I am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth and fun! It will widen your student's worldview,  help them understand Chinese culture and communicate with some basic Chinese! 

    I am from Dalian, China, which is a port city in the northeast part of China. I graduated from  Liaoning Normal University  in China  with a Masters in  Linguistics and Applied Linguistics which focuses on how to teach Chinese as a second language. I have almost 20 years of teaching experience. Most of my experience was in China and recent a few years of teaching in USA. 

    I welcome your child to learn and grow together with me and I hope you will grow and learn Chinese with your child as well!

    Please contact me with questions or concerns. The best way to contact me  is by email. If you leave voice mail,  I will reach out to you.

     Help Times: Before  class

    Yuhua Wang


    Map of China with location of Dalian