- Cascade High School
- Course Expectations
Updated 8/18/2020
Weekly Mod English Online Routine
Students will:
Access the Language Live Online Curriculum & spend 60 minutes a week working on the Word & Text Training Lesson Tabs on their own. Students will take unit tests and quizzes on Language Live.
Practice engaging in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium Lessons/questions that consist of reading, writing, listening, and research/inquiry.
Read as a class, two novels, and then analyze, examine, discuss & write about it.
Journal daily on a variety of issues, articles, and current events with open-ended writing prompts & response to other students writing.
Engage in daily Zoom live stream classes or view archived Zoom lessons.
Complete any missing work and/or retake any tests & quizzes in MOD ELA or other classes.
MOD English
English Resource Room
Within the English Resource Room, students will have the opportunity to access specially designed instruction for their IEP qualifying areas and learn to use their academic skills in a functional manner. Students will also be provided specially designed instruction that aids to develop their reading, writing, and communication skills in order to better prepare them for their post-secondary goals/expectations.
Language Arts
During this school year, students will be using the new district adopted, comprehensive, literacy program called Language Live to address their decoding, comprehension, and written expression needs. This literacy program introduces students to various comprehension strategies, grade level themes/content, and supplement grammar or decoding support. Students will engage in small group instruction and independent work skill lessons on the computer. The students will have an opportunity to read various articles, novels, and short stories. They also will engage in numerous opportunities to write in a variety of forms such as journal entries, essays, and stories.
Students will also be completing writing tasks that increase their understanding of sentence and paragraph structure.
Students will be responsible for participating in the daily lessons and completing the content assignments. All students are provided an opportunity to complete their work within the given time. Extended time is given as needed. Some students may benefit from taking work home for completion. There is also an opportunity to work on incomplete work during our daily PAWS period or during an after-school make-up work session. There is an activity bus that can transport your student home after these make-up work sessions. These sessions are available Monday and Thursday and must be scheduled prior to the make-up date.
Cascade High School expects a high level of integrity from the students with regards to assignment and test completion. The Cascade High School Student Handbook will provide further detail regarding our school-wide expectations. All students have reviewed these expectations with their classroom teachers.
Students will be graded on participation, effort, and performance. Modifications and accommodations will be made as per what is outlined in their IEP. All assignments will be scored on a standard grading scale. If a student receives a low score on an assignment/weekly assessment, they will be provided an opportunity to meet with a staff to review the assignment and increase their score. Throughout the school year, students will have formal assessments. They will be graded on their raw score and participation.
Students are encouraged to check their grades regularly online. Throughout the week, they have multiple opportunities to meet with staff to review or locate their missing work.
In September students will create a list of values that they deemed necessary for their educational success within the classroom. The staff also presented the students with a set of classroom standards, which were defined as non-negotiable (respect – verbal/physical, allow your peers to learn, positive feedback/encouragement, and appropriate/assertive communication. )
We will follow the tardy and absence policy outline in the Cascade High School Student Handbook. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after the bell. They will be marked absent if they arrive more than five minutes after the bell without a signed note from a teacher or attendance office staff.
The Cascade High School Code of Conduct outlined in the student handbook will be our guide for discipline issues throughout the school year. If a student has a specific behavioral intervention plan, then the school staff will review and implement the plan in all settings.
There are many ways that parents can assist not only in the English Resource Room, but also the entire Cascade High School community. Please contact the front office or myself if you are interested in being involved. Below is a list of possible ways to assist the Resource Room:
Be a guest speaker and share your work/school experience
Encourage reading and writing at home
Throughout the week I am available between 7:00-3:00 and can be reached via email or phone. Please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any questions or concerns.
Damon Morrison – 425-385-6167 or dmorrison@everettsd.org