- Whittier Elementary School
- 3rd Grade Math
Ballard, Allison
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Awesome math games!
ONLINE: This is a rich bank of partner games to be played online. Be sure to read the drop-down directions so you understand how to play. Then have fun doing math!
iReady printable worksheets
Set of worksheets you can print for practice and review of core 3rd grade skills in multiplication, division, fractions, and time.
Lesson plans with printables
Simple, standards-aligned lesson plans with printable sheets for kids to do at home.
Real World Mathematics
Real world questions around specific dates and events in history with a focus on solving a mathematical problem! Fun to research solo or as a family!
Area Builder
ONLINE EXPLORATION AND GAME: Students can have fun building shapes on a grid, then try the game. The game gives requirements to be met, then checks to see if the shape meets the requirements. Third graders may wish to start at level 1 and move up from there.