- Whittier Elementary School
- 2nd Grade Math
Ballard, Allison
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Awesome online games!
ONLINE: This is a rich bank of partner games that can be played online. Be sure to read the drop-down directions so you understand how to play. Then have fun doing math!
iReady printable worksheets
Set of worksheets you can print to review and practice core 2nd grade skills in addition, subtraction, place value, and measurement.
Isosceles Triangle Challenge!
ACTIVITY: use isosceles triangle shapes to build new shapes, following a set of rules. Math and art at the same time!
MATERIALS: paper and scissors; poster paper and glue if you decide to make a poster
Would You Rather?
PROMPTS FOR DISCUSSION: Each prompt is a mathematical "Would you rather?" situation. Have great conversations and encourage children to explain WHY they've made their choice.