- Whittier Elementary School
- 1st Grade Math
Ballard, Allison
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Awesome math games!
ONLINE: This is rich bank of online partner games. Choose the game you'd like to try, and be sure to read the drop-down directions so you understand how to play. Then have fun playing!
iReady printable worksheets
Set of worksheets you can print at home for students to review and practice core 1st grade skills in addition, subtraction and place value.
Lesson plans with printables
Simple lessons along with printables that kids can do at home.
Would You Rather?
PROMPTS FOR DISCUSSION: Each prompt is a mathematical "Would you rather?" situation. Have great conversations and encourage children to explain WHY they've made their choice.
Last Bead
ONLINE GAME: Take turns removing beads from the strings and try to be the last to remove a bead.
There is an accompanying video that demonstrates how to play. What do you notice about the times you win? When you lose?