The Orsillo family got a new puppy!


    The Orsillo family got a new puppy! We chose. . . Female 2


    rowan   rowan swirl


    Her new name is Rowan and she is a goldendoodle. She is very cute and we love her already. Right now she is only about 10 pounds, but when she is full-grown, she will be about 65 pounds. My favorite part of her is the swirl of white on her head. It looks like foam in a latte.


    She loves to play! Here is she is trying to play with our 8 year old cockapoo Jango. He's not sure what he thinks of her. You could call this a play in three acts. 


    Act 1: Maybe if I ignore you, you will go away

    trying to play   


    Act 2: Whee!! Let's play

    trying to play 2  


    Act 3: Get this thing away from me!!

     trying to play 3