Welcome to my Nutrition and Foods Preparation class at Cascade High School. You will find Course lessons and activities in Canvas Modules. Here and in Canvas you will find links to class recipes.
Use this school closure time to practice your cooking skills by preparing meals for your family. Keep track of the recipes you use. Take pictures or video of your cooking experiences to share with me and class mates. You can use class recipes or family recipes or even recipes you find in cookbooks or online. I will post more recipes resources in my Canvas Modules labeled for the school closure dates. You can also learn more about cooking by watching experts cook. I will include cooking video links in Canvas. I will also include some links to online cooking classes that normally charge but are now letting people in free of charge. Some might require you to sign in and give an email address so keep this in mind and use what is appropriate for you.
Also in Canvas I will begin adding video resources and nutrition activities and resources.
Share what you cook with me and your classmates using the following Padlet Link. Be sure to include your name, period, and the name of the recipe you prepared.
Laurie Youngquist
425-385-6125 (remember this is the school number so I will not get back to immediately)