- Cascade High School
- Senior Pictures & Quotes
Senior Portraits
Senior portraits are due November 3rd!Senior portraits are to be emailed to: CHSYearbook@everettsd.orgClick here ---> for Senior Portrait Photo Instructions PDF <--- Click here
MAKE SURE YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION BACK FROM US SAYING WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR PHOTO. OTHERWISE WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR SENIOR PHOTO YET (Files too big and didn't send, wrong email address entered, etc). NOTE, if you submit your photo 2-3 days before the deadline, it may take us multiple days to get back to you. This is because of a mad rush of last minute entries (aka 400+ emails). Thanks!
Senior Quotes
Senior quotes are due November 10th!You have two options for your senior quote:1. Hand drawn, using pen (must print out form) and turn in physical form to Mr. Sibley (Room 420)or2. Digital, type your quote into the form and email it to Yearbook at CHSYearbook@everettsd.org-->Click Here<-- to download senior quote form.
Only senior quote forms will be accepted! You can type your quote in the PDF or print the sheet, hand draw your quote and turn it into Mr. Sibley. All questionable or inappropriate quotes will be turned in to Mr. Takayoshi or removed and you will not have a senior quote.MAKE SURE YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION BACK FROM US SAYING WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR QUOTE IF SUBMITTED DIGITALLY. OTHERWISE, WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR QUOTE YET (Files are too big and didn't send, the wrong email address entered, etc).