• Scoring Guide
    Y = 100% = yes; turned in on time
    L = 75% = late
    PC = 65% = partial credit - assignment turned in on time, but not completely finished - student can finish and turn back in for a late grade
    RV = 65% = revise - assignment should be revised based on teacher feedback for full credit; once revision is complete and turned back in, full credit will replace RV 
    ES = 100%-90% = Exceeds Standard - requirements/responses go beyond expectations; shows independent application of learning
    AS = 89%-80% = At Standard - minimum requirements met
    NS = 79%-63% = Nearing Standard - missing pieces
    BLS = 62%-0 = Below Standard - missing major pieces; shows clear lack of understanding; needs reteaching; or student has refused
    MI or M = 40% = Missing - can still be turned in for a late grade
    INC = 50% = Incomplete - student turned in assignment less than half completed; can still be turned in for a late grade
    N = 0 = No Longer Accepted - student has missed the window for turning in late work (usually one month)
    EX = Excused - no credit for or against; student did not have to complete assignment OR score was dropped off due to improved grade on similar assignment later
    AB = Absent - student was absent for turn in date; can still be turned in
    CL = Completed late; not graded yet
    CT = Completed on time; not graded yet 

    *It is very important that students complete formative work so that they can receive feedback and make necessary adjustments (if needed) in order to meet standard. I cannot give feedback or assess an assignment that has not been turned in — I am forced to assign an MI grade until the assignment has been turned in. Sadly, this is the number one way students earn a failing grade.

  • Formative vs. Summative Assignments:

    In my classroom you will be given many opportunities to acquire new information and practice new skills. These formative (practice) assignments will be graded to provide feedback regarding where you are in acquiring the knowledge/skills addressed. Be sure to read this feedback!!

    • The idea here is to allow you the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them without being penalized.
    • It is ESSENTIAL and IMPORTANT that you do these formative (practice) assignments so that you acquire the knowledge and skills that you will later be assessed on.

    After acquiring new knowledge and skills you will be asked to demonstrate your level of understanding through a summative assessment. These culmination of learning activities include formal writing assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, presentations, etc.

    • Each assessment is a snapshot of where you are at any given time.
    • Since the goal is for you to meet standard, you may redo summative assessments (perhaps in other forms) until you reach standard.

    Projects will also receive scores reflecting the quality of work ethic displayed.  Students should be working toward building a strong, consistent standard of work that will help them tackle the rigorous demands of high school.  This score will take into account the following:

    • Meeting deadlines.
    • Completion to the best of your ability.
    • Producing high-quality, finished products that show attention to details and appearance.