About Sequoia

  • Our Mission

    Sequoia High School is built on three major principles: choice, equity, and relationships. We focus on individualization while holding students to high academic standards, preparing them for life as contributors to their communities.


    SHS Building

     Choice:  Sequoia is a school of choice. Students give up the broad course offerings and extracurricular activities of a traditional school for this more personal, individualized approach. Each student formally "chooses" the school, agrees to work hard each day and support the principles of the school; each parent or significant adult in a student's life agrees to actively support the student's serious efforts; and the school pledges an education which will allow students to thrive in a changing world.

    Equity: Our second organizational principle concerns equity. Students work to gain mastery of learning at a pace that works with their life circumstances and meets them where they are at and moves to the next level. Each student is provided scaffolded support to meet rigorous standards and grow as a learner and person. Students graduate when they have met the Everett Public Schools credit requirements for a high school diploma. 

    Relationships: A small high school community of approximately 200 students, Sequoia offers a personal, family-like learning environment where students and their teacher-colleagues work side-by-side on a first name basis, to the single goal of empowering the individual student with a meaningful education. Students are assigned to Advisory classes where teachers work with them as a team. Advisory teachers review individual student progress regularly. Knowledge of student learning styles and close professional relationships between teachers and students develop as students work with the same teacher until they attain senior credits. At that time, they are assigned to a senior advisor who helps with planning for graduation and beyond.