- North Middle School
- Blog: Animal Farm
Hill, Michelle
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- Blog: Animal Farm
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Animal Farm: Discussion Blog Rubric - Student/Teacher Generated
Exceeds Standard
At Standard
Nearing Standard
Below Standard
-Correct conventions, including citations
-Few convention errors, not distracting
-Convention errors are distracting or below grade level
-Conventions show disregard for audience
-Claim/topic sentence restates question and says WHY
-Claim/topic sentence restates question and says why
-Claim/topic sentence only answers part of the question
-No claim or topic sentence
-Evidence and commentary are focused on the claim
-At least one of the pieces of evidence and commentary are focused on the claim
-1 quote
-Evidence and commentary are not related to the claim
-no quotes
-Missing commentary
-Shows in-depth knowledge of Animal Farm; insightful response
-Presents an obvious or often talked about response
-Shows limited knowledge of the topic