Welcome to Our School


    Dr. Gideon

    Welcome to MADISON! Home of the Huskies! 

    It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Madison! Your family is now part of an exceptional learning community. At MADISON, you will find a place to grow, a place to connect, and a place to belong. Here, each child is known by name and celebrated for the unique talents they bring to our school. We aim to instill in every student confidence, a yearning for knowledge, and a love of learning that extends far beyond their elementary years. 

    MADISON is a school of thinkers. Your child will be invited to question, explore, discover, and reflect upon the learning process. Madison teachers' light fires in students’ minds! They inspire children to become active participants, critical thinkers, and drivers of their own learning. We live in a world where knowledge is no longer an indicator of success. Success belongs to those who know what to do with their knowledge. The future lies in the hands of MADISON students, who are taught not only to remember important information but to ask smart questions, synthesize facts, identify misinformation, and create solutions. Your child’s future begins here! 

    Our teachers are highly dedicated, well-trained professionals. As a team, we constantly seek better ways to teach young minds. We extend areas of strength, support areas of weakness, and attend to every learner's emotional, social, and physical well-being. 

    I invite you to get involved and truly understand and appreciate our school! Visit classrooms, talk to teachers, and attend our assemblies. That is where the magic happens! Parental involvement is a significant factor in student success. At MADISON, our community is strengthened by the diverse languages, cultures, and experiences of our parents. We value your input and look forward to a strong partnership. There will be many opportunities to meet teachers, contribute to class inquiries, learn through workshops, and discuss your child’s progress. In particular, the monthly PTA & Natural Leaders meetings are essential forums for connecting as a community. Our school is filled with possibilities. We intend to equip your child with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to pursue their passions and achieve their potential. 

    In partnership 

    Dr. Jessica Gideon, Principal