- Cedar Wood Elementary School
- Free Coding Websites
Sandstrom, Kimberly
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Great Coding Resources that are Free!
Most of these websites don't even require you to create an account - try them out :)
Code.org - either create an account or click on the upper left corner button that says learn
Scratch - you can create on this website or explore other user's games.
Kodable - this site requires a paid subscription - however - you can play for free without saving by clicking on the link provided, navigating to "Kids Start Here", then click on the purple rectangle that says "Play Without Saving"
Hour of Code - for many activities from different coding sites click on the link provided
Code Spark Academy - this is another site that usually requires a membership, you can click on the link to try it out - click on the upper lefthand corner icon "schools" then "students" then "Hour of Code"