- Emerson Elementary School
- What is a Dual Language Immersion Program? | ¿Qué es un Programa de Inmersión de Lenguage Dual?
Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program | Programa de Inmersión Dual en Español
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Dual Language Education is a long-term additive bilingual and cross-cultural program model that consistently uses two languages for content instruction, learning and communication, where students develop high levels of bilingual, biliterate, academic, and cross-cultural competencies (Soltero, 2016).
Students who join the program will see incredible benefits throughout their life. Knowing two languages allows for greater success in university language classes and employment opportunities. Additionally, language skills open the door to other countries, cultures and people.
It is our goal that each student in the Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program achieves the following:
Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Students will be able to read and write at advanced levels in both English and Spanish.
Academic Achievement: Students will be able to achieve at or above grade level in academic subjects to be prepared for college and career.
Sociocultural Competence: Students will develop positive cross-cultural attitudes to become competent global citizens.
The program design is evidence-based. A significant body of research has established cognitive, academic, economic and sociocultural benefits for all student learners. Additionally, learning other languages encourages students to participate actively in an increasingly interdependent world and recognize their own potential.
The program:
- Captures optimal time to learn languages
- Supports intellectual growth and enhances mental development
- Creates more flexibility and creativity in thinking, greater sensitivity to language and a better ability to listen
- Longer working memory
- Allow students the capability to perform better on tasks that call for divergent thinking, pattern recognition and problem solving
- Achieve high levels of proficiency in the new language, math, and English
- Closes the achievement gap for historically struggling subgroups, not only English language learner students
- Gives the students the ability to communicate with those who speak another language
- Respects the role that language has in cultural identity
- Allow students to experience different cultures and people
- Bolsters pride in a student’s own family culture
- Builds strong home-school connections, promoting family engagement
- Gives to dual students the choice to enhanced employment opportunities
- Provides engaging challenge
- Strengthened students’ sense of self
- Spanish Immersion produces successful learners who perform well on tests (i.e. SBA)
Check out the "What Research Says" section to learn more.