Emerson Elementary School

District Home
  • If you lost or damaged a library book, here are your options:


    1. Replace the book with a new or used copy of the same book. Call a used bookstore like Half Price Books and see if they have a used copy or use Amazon.


    2.  Pay the fine. Please email me if you would like this option so I can create the fine mdoud@everettsd.org. Once created, you can go to the office and write a check for the cost of the book, send in the exact cash or click here to pay online with the school district.


    3. Your student can work in the library to pay off their fine during recess. 


    3.  Request a waiver – Send an email or letter to our school's Office Manager or fill out the form at the link below and submit to the office.  Click here for Request for Fine Waiver Form PDF.
