Welcome to Mr. Huizinga's Class

  • Jacob Huizinga Welcome to another fantastic year!
    I am very excited to have your student in my class this year and am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and development.

    Jacob Huizinga

    Updated 3/23/20

    Up date and Information for the 6 week School Closure. (3-23-20)

    This is a very confusing and trying time for all of us. My hope is that you stay safe, busy, engaged and sane. 

    I will be using email and my Staff website to communicate with you. Proposeed enrichment activities and workouts will be posted on my Website and updated often.

    My goal is to provide a series of suggestions, post ideas and and communicate with the whole and individually if needed. 

    The basic guideline is that you stay active. Put in an hour of activity in every day; even taking a one hour walk is activity. Workout Apps are available as well as ideas on Youtbe and the Web. Be ceative and be sure to follow all the suggested and prescibed guidelines set down by the governing authorities and make the best of this very unfortunate time. (Hopefully it will be shortlived). 

    A suggestion would to use the 5 components of Physical Activity as your baseline of activity. Muscular Strength, Muscle Endurance, Cardio Vascular Activity, Flexibility and Body Composition. Try some new activities: Jogging, Speed Walking, Yoga/Stretching, Fuctional training Circuits, Hiking, Cycling, Core Circuits ... Make the best of the time available and I will begin posting ideas and thoughts by tomorrow: 3-24-20.

    For All PE Classes: Click on Google Form Link below for another Link to exercise. Be sure to use Google Forms and Record Activity when completed.

    If you cannot link directly from the following, copy and paste this link in your browser:

    PE Online Workouts. (Click on this Link for Recording W/O's and Activities)


    Listed You Tube workouts. (The sites have many other options)

    Link to Ab Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV4vCotio0

    Link to 15 min HITT: Go on either site and search 15 minute HITT workut. Many to chose from. Pick, complete and record.

    Week of 4/20-4/25. Link to 30 min Functional Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8o8wMgAT-Y  

    Link to a 20 minute HITT full body W/O: https://youtu.be/cZnsLVArIt8

    Link to a 10 minute Functional Chest W/O: Excellent: https://youtu.be/Bi1IRzJIoAo

    Link to a 20 Minute HITT: Excellent: https://youtu.be/oAPCPjnU1wA

    Link to a 3 set TABATA W/O: https://youtu.be/kTvHJe6_h1c (12 minutes long)

    Link to 10 min Full Body Warm up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV4vCotio0

    Week of 4-27: Attention students. Please take note of the listed direction. All my students are encouraged to complete and record at least 3 W/O activities during the week. The workout suggestions and recording link will and are  communicated via e-mail with reminders, zoom invitations and other concerns. Information is also available on this website (CHS Staff Website). 

    I encourage you all to be active, record your activities and stay in touch if needed.

    ***(5-04-2020) As of this posted date, I am communicating all directions via E-Mail. Workouts, Drections and Zoom meeting schedules are communicated by email. Please check your school email and I will also communiacte with your parents on a needed basis. 

    Go Bruins