• For the next two weeks  (4/27 - 5/8) you will only have two assignments each week. All assignments are posted in Google Classrooms.  The directions for each are contained inside the work. After finishing, please don't forget to Turn In (Submit) your work to me!  Both are due by Friday each week. 

    I have posted the first two assignments, the last two will be posted closer to next week. Have fun and good luck! 

    NOTE:  Please don't hesitate to email any of your childs' teacher if you have any questions or concerns.  We will try to get back with you as soon as we can!
    The 6th Grade World History Team
    Ms. Henley          MHenley@everettsd.org     
    Mr. Hansen         DHansen@everettsd.org     
    Mr. Hashimoto   MHashimoto@everettsd.org