Welcome to Ms. Boggs' Class

  • Carmen Boggs Hello Cozy Learners!

    We have a new schedule!  Our classes will be meeting at new times in the coming weeks.  Below is a schedule of our classes. I have sent each student an email inviting him/her to our class.  In English classes, every week we will be reading a book the first class period of each week, and answering the essential questions and have written work as an assessment at the end of class.  In social skills, we will be journaling about various social issues stemming form a pandemic, and writing a shared cartoon about the pandemic.

    Support for Families During COVID-19

    ZOOM MEETINGS - online as a group every week
    Block Class Periods 1 and 2: Monday at 1:05 PM    
    Period 3 ELA Support: Mondays at 1:55 PM
    Period 4 Social Skills: Tuesdays at 10:45 AM and Thursdays at 10:45 AM
    Period 5 ELA Support: Tuesdays at 1:05 Pm
    Period 7 ELA Support: Tuesdays at 2:45 PM                 
    Students in Reading and Writing classes Periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 7:
    Every week we will be reading a book in the first class period, and answering the essential questions and have written work as an assessment in Canvas.  
    1.) There is work posed in Canvas for written assignments.  https://everettsd.instructure.com/ Please use the online tools in Canvas, just like in class, to submit.  If you get stuck, use Google Docs and share it with me.  You cannot lose if you are reading and writing every day.
    2.) You have a Zoom class meeting.  They are listed below, I have invited you all by email, and a link is on Canvas. 
    3.) I will be reading a new book next week called Ghost of Spirit Bear in all ELA classes in the first class of each week.
    3.) Students should log in to i-ready and work online for 45 minutes.  This includes time in general education.  If you are in our block class please pass 3 lessons per week.  This should take you about three sessions of 45 minutes or less.  Please let me know if this does not work for any of you.  
    Students in Social Skills class Period 4:
    In social skills, we will be journaling about various social issues stemming form a pandemic, and writing a shared cartoon about the pandemic in Storyboard That.
    1.) You have received your journal and the rest of the book in the mail.  You can respond to me online in Canvas or on Google Docs "shared with me."  We have a shared doc, too, so you can talk to each other like in a chat room.
    2.) You have a twice-weekly zoom meeting with me.  We will be talking about social skills during a pandemic (wow!) and playing games like Kahoot and making Flipgrids.
    Additional Key Links
    Learning Engagement Materials
    The Family Technology Support has troubleshooting tips for families that have been commonly asked and if the answer is not located there, there is a link to an online form which is routed into our Help Desk system.

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