Welcome to Life Skills

  •   Mrs. Pearson

             Mrs. Pearson
    June 15, 2020
    Here we are at the last week of school. What a year it has been!!  Thank you to everyone for working to keep your families safe, and doing your best at working with your students to maintain their learning.
        Here are the suggested assignments for this week: 
    • Read books on Epic and discuss them. Click on the Epic link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Choose an art activity from the Activities page, a cooking activity from the Cooking page, or one from the Physical Activities page
    • Continue working on academics and skills through tasks/games/chores around the house and outside. Everything learned is a "life skill"!
    I will miss the weekly contact I've had with most of you, and look forward to seeing everyone in the fall, in whatever form that may take.  I will be available on a limited basis throughout the summer; checking my email at least weekly. I will not be updating my website over the summer, but the resources listed here will remain accessible. 
    Please know that even though the school year is over this Friday, I will continue to think about each of "my" kiddos, and wish them and your families well.
    Take care, and see you in the fall,
    June 8, 2020
    Happy Rainy Monday,
    We are rapidly closing in on the end of the school year. Please take the time to congratulate yourselves for making it through this tough time! In just a couple of weeks we can all take a deep breath and enjoy summer.
    Please continue to focus this week on doing the iReady Diagnostic in both Math and Reading. It is important to have this information as I begin formulating lessons for the fall. See last week's message below this one for directions on how to access it.
    I am including a link on how to pick up yearbooks next week. Pick up plan and ASB celebration  As you may already know, you can keep your computers until next year, unless you are in 8th grade. 8th graders will turn theirs in on August 3rd. More information will be coming on that at a later date.
    Keep up the good work, and do your best!
    Here are this week's assignments:
    • Read the assigned book on Epic and discuss it. Click on the Epic link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Choose an art activity from the Activities page, a cooking activity from the cooking page, or one from the Physical Activities page
    • Continue working on academics through tasks/games/chores around the house and outside. Everything learned is a "life skill"!
    I look forward to seeing everyone at our classroom, 1:1, and motor group zoom sessions this week!
    June 1, 2020
    Happy first day of June! It's so hard to believe it's already June. Only 3 weeks of school left for this year.
    Please make iReady your priority for this week. All students are being asked to take the Diagnostic test so we know where to start in the fall. To access iReady:
    • Log into your student's computer
    • Go to www.everettsd.org
    • click on "Students"
    • scroll down to "iReady" and click
    • use your student's ID number to sign in, the password is either your student's ID or their birthdate (ex: 07-04)
    • click on "iReady"
    • choose a subject (both will need to be done)
    • click on "Diagnostics" and begin

    Parents - it is fine for you to sit with your student to keep them engaged, but PLEASE don't give them the answers. This diagnostic is for me to be able to tell where they are, and what I need to work on with them next year.

    When you have finished with the diagnostics, or are ready for something different, here are the other suggested assignments for this week:

    • Read the assigned book on Epic and discuss it. Click on the Epic link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Choose an art activity from the Activities page, a cooking activity from the cooking page, or one from the Physical Activities page
    • Continue working on academics through tasks/games/chores around the house and outside. Everything learned is a "life skill"!
    Have a wonderful week, and I look forward to seeing everyone at our class, 1:1 and motor group zooms!
    May 26, 2020
    Is everyone ready for a short week? 
    We only have 3 weeks of school left after this one, so let's make them count!
    If you haven't already, please log in to iReady and have your student take the assessment. They may need help getting on, but should be able to do the assessment themselves. Like it says, it IS an assessment, so please have them do this independently. Even if they can't finish, it still tells me where they are. :)
    As you may know if you've seen the letter the district sent out, students can keep their computers until August 3, if they desire. After that they will need to be turned in so they can be prepared for next year.
    Please see below for this week's assignments, and have a great week!!
    • Read What Do You See? and discuss the book on Epic . Click on the Epic link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Choose an art activity from the Activities page, a cooking activity from the cooking page, or one from the Physical Activities page
    • Check out the other pages on my website for ideas, choose something you'd like to do, and let me know how it went.
    May 18, 2020
    I hope by now you've had a chance to build routines that work for your family. I finally feel like I have figured out a schedule for myself!  
    Just a reminder, there is no school this Friday, May 22, or the following Monday 5/25, for Memorial Day weekend. It's hard to believe we're already at that time of the year. March seemed to last forever, April flew by, and how here it is the middle of May. I can't believe we only have 5 weeks of school left.
    Here are this week's assignments. Remember, do what works for your family, and congratulate yourself for whatever you are able to do. :)
    • Read Be a Helper and discuss the book on Epic . Click on this link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Choose an art activity from the Activities page, or one from the Physical Activities page
    • Check out the other pages on my website for ideas, choose something you'd like to do, and let me know how it went.

    Do some work and have some fun every day.


    May 11, 2020
    Happy Monday!
    I hope everyone was able to enjoy the fantastic weather this past weekend. I was able to get my patio cleaned up and the bricks pressure washed Friday after school, so I spend a lot of time outside enjoying the sun. I also hope everyone had a nice Mother's day.
    I have updated our book to read for this week in Epic, and you all should have received packets in the mail with work you can do. If you haven't received them, please let me know.
    There are also some new activities listed you can do that don't take much prep.
    Here are this week's assignments:
    • Read People in the Neighborhood and discuss the book on Epic . Click on this link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do something from the packet you received in the mail. You can read the story, write, do some math, or pick a project
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Read the Social Stories School is Staying Closed and Wearing A Mask  They can be found on the Activities page
    • Check out the other pages on my website for ideas, choose something you'd like to do, and let me know how it went.
    Have a safe and fun week!
    May 4, 2020
    Wow! Only 7 weeks of school left. Hard to believe. I know I'm ready for some relaxation and sunshine!
    Please continue working the best you can. If you've been working in iReady, keep going. Any of the resources below are a great place to start or continue working. I have added a new book to Epic for you to look at this week.
    Also check out my Activities page for new content. There is a tutorial on making a mother's day card, as well as social stories about why school is still closed and wearing a mask.  
    I hope everyone is able to find something to be joyful about each day. Please give yourself credit for what you ARE able to do, and realize everyone (including you) is doing the best they can. 
    Here are the assignments for this week:
    • Read What's in a Tree? and discuss the questions at the end on Epic . Click on this link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do Education.com independent study packet (Begin with week 1. I recommend starting with the Kindergarten book. If it's too easy go to 1st grade; 
      too hard, go to PreK)  https://www.education.com/workbooks/independent/?utm_medium=email&utm_content=cta_2
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Read the Social Stories School is Staying Closed and Wearing A Mask  They can be found on the Activities page
    • Check out the other pages on my website for ideas, choose something you'd like to do, and let me know how it went.

    See you at our class Meeting on Tuesday at 1:00. The link will be sent to the email I have on file for you.

    Have a wonderful week,


    April 27, 2020
    Happy Monday!
    Please continue working on the assignments I listed for last week. We have been given permission to print packets, and I expect to have them in the mail to you either late this week or early next.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional work.
    I look forward to seeing everyone at their weekly 1:1 sessions, our class
    session on Tuesday at 1:00, and our motor group on Friday at 10:30.
    Please note I have put a link to our OT/PT/SLP providers in the quick links portion of this site.
    Have a great week!
    April 20, 2020
    What a beautiful Sunday we had! I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy our wonderful weather.
    We only have nine weeks of school left; I will try to make it as engaging as possible.
    Here are the assignments for this week:
    • Read What do Birds Eat?  and discuss the questions at the end on Epic . Click on this link, then click on the Student tab, and enter our class code: prd8287
    • Daily: Do Education.com independent study packet (Begin with week 1. I recommend starting with the Kindergarten book. If it's too easy go to 1st grade;
      too hard, go to PreK)  https://www.education.com/workbooks/independent/?utm_medium=email&utm_content=cta_2
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady math
    • Daily: 10-20 minutes of iReady reading
    • Check out the other pages on my website for ideas, choose something you'd like to do and let me know how it went.
    • Look at daily calendar video (when I get them posted)

    In addition:

    • If possible, make note of what your child is doing each week. I'm attaching a sample sheet below this message, but feel free to email me daily or weekly with
      an idea of what is being done.
      Some of your children will do work daily, some weekly, some not at all. All of that is OK! I know everyone is doing the best they can, and I'm not judging anyone. :) 
      This is not to put more work on you, or make you feel like you're not doing enough. I'd just like to be aware of what is being worked on so I can help with supplying that. 
    • Please attend our weekly classroom Zooms at 1:00 every Tuesday, and our weekly motor group Zoom (Jenny will be sending out invitations). 
    • Please also attend the 1:1 sessions I have scheduled with your student. I will send reminder emails out the day before, with the link.
      These are a great way for your child to
      feel connected to their classmates and teachers!
    • I'd love to see pictures of what you've been doing during this time at home. Email them to me, and I'll share on the picture page of this site.


    • Toward the end of this week or early next, watch for videos with our calendar routine to be posted daily on this website.
      I'm hoping everyone will be able to access them and do calendar with me! (By posting them, you can do it at a time that best suits you.)
    • The paras and I are working on getting videos of us reading books posted, so you can check those out as well.
    • I'm still trying to get packets printed at your child's specific level so that you will have hands-on worksheets to so

    Stay safe and have a great week. I miss everyone!

    Work Log


    April 13, 2020
    Welcome Back!
    I hope everyone had a good Spring Break and was able to get outside and enjoy the sun. I went on a lot of walks, and worked in my garden. It was nice to feel the sun and hear all of the birds chirping.
    I have scheduled 1:1 time with each student every week, in addition to our weekly class meeting every Tuesday at 1:00. Please see your email for your scheduled time. If you can't find it or need help setting up Zoom , let me know. 
    Keep your eyes on your email for a note from Miss Jenny, Miss Megan and Miss Hedy. They will be setting up a fun time for us to get together online!
    For work this week, do what you can when you can. I know not everyone will do everything, and that's OK
    Here is what I'm suggesting for the week of 4/13 - 4/17:

    I am reassigning the work from last time, as I don't believe anyone had time to do it all. If you did, feel free to go ahead to the next packet at Education.com.

    Talk to you all soon!!



    March 30, 2020 
    Good Morning!
    I hope everyone is staying safe and finding fun things to do during this unexpected time at home. I will be posting an update here every Monday by 3:00 with weekly assignments, and letting you know of any updates I've made to this site. I realize not everyone will be able to do everything I am assigning, and that's ok! Just do what you can. As I stated earlier, your child will learn important life skills just by being with and interacting with you. 
    I have added some links to my information page as well as the Quick Links section. Please take a few minutes to look at these, they contain not only the assignments I'll be giving, but good information in general. 
    Weekly Assignments for week of 3/30 - 4/3

    Again, I know not everyone will be able to do everything. Just do your best, like we all are right now :). We're all trying to  figure it out.  If you don't have a printer, you can adapt most of this by looking at the screen with your student and having them either point to answers or tell you. 

    Please feel free to email me at any time. I'm most available to answer between 8 AM and 3:00 PM, but will get back to you as soon as I can if you email me at a different time. And don't forget our weekly Zoom meetings on Tuesdays at 1:00.  You should have received an invitation. If not, let me know.

    We're in this together!




    March 23, 2020
    Hello Students and Families,
    First off, I want to say that I miss everyone! I will do my best to provide information and links to things you and your student can do at home during this time away from school. The best thing you can do is include your child in daily activities, as they will learn important life skills just by being with you.
    During our time out of the classroom check here weekly. I will provide links and upload different things to keep our students working, with meaningful materials that will help retain what we have learned. There is no grading at this time, but keeping our students engaged will help prevent loss of learning. Please see the QuickLinks to the right for sites you can access to keep your student engaged.

    The best way to reach me is via email - I check it often throughout the day. You can also leave a message on my school phone. I will check the phone, but not as frequently as email.

    Your students have their log in information to access iReady and Typing Club. Getting them onto iReady is a great way to keep them moving forward in math. I will be setting the reading section of iReady up this week. Prodigy Games is another area they can check out on the Students tab.

    I sent packets home last week with materials most are familiar with. Working through 2 or three worksheets a day will help retain the lessons we have been working on.

    To access student email, where I will also send links and fun opportunities:

    Go to Everett Public Schools website

    Click Managed Bookmarks

    Click Office 365

    Click Outlook

    This will bring up your students email address. 

    You may need to sign in again using your students ID number for sign in, and either their ID number OR their birthdate IE: (07-04) to log in. 


    Please stay healthy and enjoy your family time. We will be working to make sure your student has access to learning as we work together through this.

    Look for alerts and email for a ZOOM session so I can face to face with the students!!   

    Take care, and know we are in this together,


    Kathy Pearson