• Hello!  My name is Amy Watkins, and I am the family support specialist at Lowell Elementary. I help students and their families access resources from throughout our community.


    Some of the things I help with include:

    • Providing students with backpacks and school supplies.
    • Helping families who need food support through our Weekend Food Program.
    • Signing up students for Operation School Bell, a free program that provides new clothing, once a year, to students who qualify.
    • Providing students with clothes, coats, and shoes (when available).
    • Helping with family needs through our food pantry and/or holiday assistance.
    • Signing up to volunteer at school.
    • Connecting families with community organizations to get assistance with food, clothing, housing, utilities, employment, childcare, education and more.


    I also serve as the school's Kids In Transition (KIT) point person, working to address and eliminate barriers for students affected by homelessness.  


    If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by email awatkins@everettsd.org or by phone (425) 385-5378.