• Great Parent Literacy/Math Websites





    i-Ready & Typing Club

     Your child will need to log into Everett School District or go through Woodside's Website with their lunch number. Once they are log in with their lunch number, they will need to click "students" and then scroll to Canvas or i-Ready. 



    Khan Academy




    Your child will need to log into Everett School District or go through Woodside's Website with their lunch number. Once they are log in with their lunch number, they will need to click "students" and scroll down to Pearson Bridge. 




    This will help your child with math fluency. We will be using this website throughout the year and routinely at home for homework. 

     Read Works 

    You will find articles that I assign for your child to read and complete. 



    Sno-Isle:Snohomish County Public Libraries

    (Animated Books: Click on the kids site for animated books)


    Family Literacy: Respecting Family Ways


    You will find articles on family literacy and suggestions for helping children learn to read.

     Family Literacy Foundation


    The Family Literacy Foundation's focus is to encourage parents and others to read aloud to young children. A list of recommended read-aloud resources is also provided.


    National Center for Family Literacy


    This site provides parents with information about literacy development. Suggestions of interactive parent-child literacy activities support family literacy.

     Learning to Read/Reading to Learn


    The Learning to Read/Reading to Learn Information Kit contains five documents very useful to teachers and parents. Parents, in particular, will find Tips for Parents About How to Strengthen Reading Skills useful.

     Helping Your Child Become a Reader


    This useful document from the U.S. Dept. of Education can be downloaded free of charge.

     700 Great Sites: Amazing Spectacular Mysterious Websites for Kids and the Adults Who Care About Them


    This site focuses on a variety of websites for parents and their children to explore together.

     International Reading Association Parent Brochures


    Download a single copy of multiple brochures that will be helpful to parents of young readers.



    This site has a lot of great ideas and opportunities to buy books for your home libraries. They also have resources for you to access at home for home activities.



    Parents' use Starfall to prepare their children for school, and to support them once they are there. Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children.

    Primarily designed for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade.


    Fun Learning Websites