• Attendance Policies

    Attendance each day is important so that students can learn.  Attendance is directly tied to academic success in school.  Even so, there are reasons why students would be absent from school on particular days.
    If your student is going to be absent, please call the Attendance Line, 24 hours per day, and leave a message.  The number is 425-385-6205.  You can also email us at EMEAttendance@everettsd.orgwith absence reasons, also 24 hours per day.
    General attendance policies:
    • The school day starts at 9:15am and ends at 3:30pm.
    • Students brought to school after 9:15am and before 9:45am are considered tardy.
    • Students brought to school after 9:45am will be counted absent for the entire morning.
    • Students checked out before 3:00pm will be counted absent for the entire afternoon.
    • Students who are checked out for a doctor's appointment and checked back in school before the end of the day will not be counted absent.  Please bring a doctor's note to validate the absence.
    • Students who accrue 5 or more excused absences (parent note, parent call) will receive a letter from the school stating that further absences will be counted as unexcused unless a doctor's note is provided.
    • Students who accrue 10 or more unexcused absences for the year will enter the BECCA attendance process.

    If you have questions about any of these policies, please do not hesitate to contact the front office at 425-385-6200.

    Does attendance effect academics?  It sure does.  Below you see two charts.  The first chart shows how students at Emerson with 10 or more absences did on the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA).  A full 61% of them did not pass the test.
    Students with 10 or fewer absences did better at twice the rate, with only 31% not meeting standard.  What's the difference in the two?  Attendance.